Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 1

I have never blogged and don't really know how this all works so I apologize as I get adjusted to how everything works.  I am starting this blog as a way to help those in my congregation and who are interested in doing daily devotions.  I believe that daily bible study is one of the key elements to growing in a deeper relationship with God.  It usually seems a lot scarier before I get started.  I have decided for my first time doing a blog and devotion that I will use the Serendipity Bible.  I am using the Spiritual Formation plan 43 track 2.  I will supplement my readings with A Time to Pray and the utilizing the S.O.A.P journal method (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer).

Scripture:  Colossians 1:15-23

Observations: When reading this passage I am drawn to verses 22-23.  I am one who believes in Christ's sacrifice for my life and yet I struggle because despite knowing that I am made new in Christ.  Like Paul I struggle with doing that which I do not want to do and not doing that which I want to do.  I find that I find my strength in verse 23 that as long as I continue on in faith and hope with my eyes focused on the gospel I can keep trying day in and day out.  I am also struck with Paul claiming to be a servant, can I joyfully claim my servitude to God?

Application:  Don't give up, don't give in.  Keep focused each day.

Prayer:  Dear God, I ask for your strength in my weakness and your courage in my fear.  I pray that I can be reminded of Christ's love for me despite me.  Help me to not dwell on my flaws but to see your gifts and talents working through me.  May I truly be your vessel for your people.  Thank you Lord. Amen.

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