Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 3

Scripture:  Ephesians 2: 1-10

Observations:  1-2: God is at work in ALL people, even disobedient. 3: If we are not currently disobedient at one time we were. 4: But God's love was able to change us. 5-6: Christ lives in us and works through us even when we are sinful, so that we are no longer sinful. 7-10: God works through us in our sinful state so that we might know the extent of God's love.  We do not gain love by our work, but our faith in God and in God's love is God able to help us overcome our sinfulness. 11-13:  We are brought closer to God by Christ's sacrifice not by outward acts such as circumcision.  (OH I got carried away:-)

Application:  What special gift have you received recently?  In terms of physical gifts, I have received a bracelet that a young girl made for me, the time and effort she put into it is precious to me.  In terms of emotional gifts, I have been able to see 2 young Confirmands grow in their faith and commitment to Christ and I have received support in some unlikely places.

      What in your life is due only to God's presence and goodness?  My ability to be a pastor.  God is able to continually work through all my insecurities and inabilities, to minister to others.  I am always shocked at how sometimes I am able to help others when I feel unsure of what I am doing.  As long as I continue to live in Christ's humility, God continues to use me for God's Will.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for using me who is still a sinner.  May I continue to grow in Your Grace.  May I continue to help others experience Your Grace.  And Lord, never let me sleep until I have stretched my hand over Your village and invoked Your blessing Amen. (Bouttier)

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