Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 2

Prayer by Pope Gregory I, c. 540-504
 Lo, fainter now lie spread the shades of night, 
     and upward spread the trembling gleams of morn,
suppliant we bend before the Lord of Light,
     and pray at early dawn,
that this sweet charity may all our sin
     forgive, and make our miseries to cease;
may grant us health, grant us the gift divine
     of everlasting peace.
Father Supreme, this grace on us confer;
    and thou, O Son by an eternal birth!
with thee, coequal Spirit, comforter!
   whose glory fills the earth.

Scripture: Romans 9:30-10:21

Observations:  9:30-32 Righteousness is attained by faith not works; works are a fruit of faith.  10:6-9 Faith is in the heart; words alone do not show faith.  With your heart you believe, with your lips you confess.  10:14-21 People can only believe if they hear the Word of God, so people must witness; but just because people witness does not mean that others will hear.

Application:  Because I have faith, I am able to preach the Word of God to others.  I can only preach because I have faith that God is using me.  I cannot be discouraged when it feels like no one is listening because the only way anyone can hear is if someone is speaking the Word of God, but I cannot control what others listen to; therefore I must continue on in my faith.  It sounds a lot like circular logic, but it makes sense to me about persevering.  Believing in Christ is a very personal relationship, but it does not mean that others will listen or follow.  Being Christian does not make my life easier, and actually challenges me everyday.  However, if I continue on with my faith, I allow others the opportunity to believe.

Prayer:  Gracious God, grant me the words and wisdom to share your love with all those I encounter today.  May words not be harmful but encouraging and empowering.  And Lord, help me to not overlook all those who are silent and need Your voice of truth.  May Your blessings fill this community and world.  Thank you Lord.  Amen.

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